Ready readers, off the shelf readers, hobby or chemist glasses are all names for glasses to help people with near vision. They’re most suited to people experiencing age related presbyopia, a condition where seeing up close becomes increasingly difficult.
If you’re struggling with any aspects of your vision, it’s best to see your optometrist/eye health professional and have a comprehensive eye examination. Only then can you be sure if ready readers are a good option for you.
Ready readers have the same corrective power in each eye so they may not work well if each of your eyes has a different prescription or if you have astigmatism. In these situations, you will most likely need a pair of prescription glasses as assessed by your optometrist/ eye health professional.
Ready readers are an excellent and cost effective option where your eyes are otherwise healthy and you simply need a hand with near vision. Use them for reading, writing, sewing, cooking and other activities where you're struggling to focus up close.